Friday, April 27, 2007
Web 2.0 Expo Slides & Blogs
Web 2.0 Fundamentals
Web 2.0 Overview
An Overview of Badges and Widgets: The Fast Rise of Viral Web Parts
Description : Slides
Casual Privacy (Ignite Web2.0 Expo)
** Slide transcript included at the end of the page on
Building Social Applications
Description : Blog : Slides
API and Mashup Best Practices
Description : Blog
Design and User Experience
High Performance Web Sites
Description : Blog : Slides
** Slide transcript included at the end of the page on
The New Hybrid Designer
Description : Blog : Speaker : Slides
Are Agile Projects Doomed to Half-Baked Design?
Slides : mp3 audio
Immersive Experiences: Lessons from Game Designers
Description : mp3 audio : Blog : Slides
Microformats, Much More Than Just Promise
Description : Blog : Slides
From Desktop to Device: Designing the Ubiquitous Mobile Experience
Description : Slides
The Iterative App: From Discord to Design
Description : Resource : Speaker : Slides
Web Usability for the Rest of Us
Marketing and Community
Emerging Trends in Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing
Description : Slides
Tagging That Works
Description : Slides
Optimization and Search Engine Marketing
Description : Slides
What I Learned from Syphilis: Epidemiology & Viral Marketing
Description : Blog
Marketing in a Web 2.0 world
The Need for Feeds: Understanding RSS & Blog Marketing
Description : Blog
Using Widget Syndication for Online Marketing and Measurement
Description : Blog
From Pages to People: Behavioral Targeting
Description : Blog
Web Operations, Services & Platforms
Geographic Distribution for Global Web Application Performance:
Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches
Description : Slides
Media 2.0: How Web 2.0 is Transforming Traditional Media
Description : Blog
Vulnerabilities 2.0 in Web 2.0
Description : Slides
Products & Services, Keynotes, and Events
Bridging the Gap Between Desktop and Web
Description : Slides
Microformats for Web Services and Portable Content
Mobile 2.0
Description : Blog : Audio
Reality Bites: The Future of Gaming + Virtual Worlds 2.0
Description : Blog
Rich Internet Application Platforms
Description : Blog
Launch Pad Day 1: Spock, WebEx, inpowr
Blog : Audio
Launch Pad Day 2 (audio) (Webware): Swivel, Vidoop (video), Tellme
Audio : Webware : Video
Ignite: (Potenco video) (Information diet) (Happiness hacking) (
The Challenge of Agile Development: Avoiding Half-Baked Design
Chaffee, Pivotal Labs & Leslie Chicoine, Satisfaction: Insights into the challenge of integrating foundational design methods (interaction design, usability design, interface design, interaction design) into a team doing Agile development (rapid releases, week-long iterations, high feedback and communication).
In a nutshell team collaboration is important.
mp3 audio slides
** Slideshow transcript included at the end of the page of
Badges and Widgets Slides
"Badges and Widgets" session that you can download.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Web 2.0 Overview
Friday, April 20, 2007
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Kickoff Video - A MUST WATCH
Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Immersive Experiences: Lessons from Game Designers
My takeaways - were pretty much one-off snippets of research
Average Usesr is below average.
Typical user always feels like an idtot.
Remember this lesson. Give the user ways to feel "confident"
Possible technique give the user leagues (beginning to expert)
Just as in anything - noone reads the manual!
In gaming, there are about 16 - 18 buttons on the control panel.
All of them integral to the gaming action. The great thing or interesting thing about that -
and as stated above, noone reads the manual. Yet, in gaming , the 16-18 buttons are understood - and noone HAS to read the manual.
Relates to Cignitive Psych
George Miller was the (guy) that said the human brain can't remember more than 7 words ( I'm not sure how relevant that still is, given the amount of information we all digest these days)
Here's the deal: Games make heavy use of affordances
-In real life, when you walk up to a door - and you see a sign that says "pull" Thats a backwards affordance.
affordances - when a thing does exactly what you expect it to do.
Compound that with...
Users expect when you do something once - that's how it operates throughout.
There are significant differences in genders when applied to technology. But the anomoly is - Older men act like women.
Always look for the passion - Casual users can be hardcore.
Adaptive Difficulty has pitfalls
number one gripe against the game, Oblivion.
It's the same difficulty level as your level progresses. This is bad .
The fun comes from operating at the margin of your ability. If you want an engaging experience, you need to let people try something and fail at it (gee, isn't that the story of life?). This makess them feel, when they succeed, feel great- likea total badass.
Similarly or conversly, bottom-feeding is numbing, isn't fun.
Fun comes from operating at the margin of your ability.
Repetitive challenges/ tasks suck.
High R.O.I. is a bad word in interaction design. (not sure I'm getting this point)??
useless fact (for us) ut interesting:
women were found to use first person view more than men.
why - they found out that third person camera objectified other things.
Even when the third person view allowed them to be more effective care-takers. Peacekeepers of the entire situation.,
men - used third person more. Enjoyed omcbat more.
Enjoyed killing more.
THink about size of icons.
Avatars are filters.
Avatars represent aspect s of the people's own psychology that they wind up projecting outwards.
Personalitites leave room for tantilizing imagingation
iterative tit for tat.
comes out of game theory.
as long as there's an expectation of future interaction - people will treat each other well.
negaitve reputation systems always break out into chaos - it's been studied.
all core gamers HATE SimCity - but they bought it for their girlfriendss - who then became extremely addicted. Now that's marketing. Getting to the girlfriend though the geeky, gaming boyfriend.
Path to the mass market is always through the hardcore.
when you have a kickass lead user - make sure you destroy him.
they make the game miserable for everyone else - it sucks.
topple your kings.
turn over every leader board. Meaning - keep it an accessible area for the loser - or not-so
Perfection is DULL!
Don't make it perfect
You want users to feel smart.
slides will be posted!
Designing for Web 2.0: The Visual Ecosystem
Luke Wroblewski
Principal Designer, Yahoo! Social Media
Principles of good visual design have always been applicable to web design: balance, proportion, contrast, color, and typography. As a visual medium, the Web has always had its own set of unique attributes: screen resolution, browsers, platforms, and multiple devices. With Web 2.0, these attributes have expanded to include a new array of services to remix and distribute micro-content (APIs, RSS), as well as participatory content created by the community. How can visual design enhance user experience when your audience might be coming from a browser, an RSS feed, or a widget? How does visual design communicate your brand when your brand is created daily by your community?
In this two-part session, we'll show real-world strategies and techniques for designing your visual ecosystem through two case studies: one focusing on a redesign of an existing site; the other, a startup with a ground-up new UI and user experience design.
Predominantly the way people make sense on the web, the way they actually scan information on a page (example of eye tracking shown) – is erratic, scurrying.
Visual design can help indicate actionable/not actionable elements.
It can help tell the user where they are, and how they‘re expected to interact with the environment.
Design Considerations:
presentation, interaction, organization
the presentation becomes the voice. It can help define the purpose of the site to the people of the site. It can help define the goal.
goal: the ezest way to get your video online
(that's what they want the user to do - that's the first copy the user sees)
Changes in web from 1.0 to 2.0
- Locomotion
- Conversation
- Manipulation
Locomotion: movement in space
In 2.0, with the help of new technologies (AJAX, FLEX)
users move around the pages less and less.
Vs. early years - it was about moving from place to place -or page to page.
Converasation is communication. (i.e. Terry Winegrad at Stanford )
enabled conversations:
display services (flickr)
content creation (wordpress)
aggregation services (digg)
Entertainment destinations: (YouTube)
(stat: .16% of those who go to YouTube actually contribute/ upload a video)
Comparisons to RealWorld Packaging
Certain aspects of Packaging design can actually be applied to the online world.
Meaningful shouting.
Having the appropriate and distinct personality that makes people take a look
Back of packaging concept
“back of pack stories " on package design – it’s what tells you what this thing is and why should you care.
Consider the experience of unpacking.
(Examples of unpacking experience)
i.e. Unpacking the macbook - one of the first things you see is a rolodex-type card. The card has a silhouette shape suggesting that YOU belong here, this. Suggesting, “hey take a picture of yourself with the onboard camera, because, you can”.
Online, on a website, What's the first thing the user gets when they're interested.
Example, Yahoo Videos - They get a form – registration form.
Okay. A bit of a "boo" "boring"
BUT, what if it was a little more like unpacking the macbook? What if you could give the user a little more of a fun experience?
Right from the get-go it's "hey make a movie – right now." or "make your own scrapbook, right now"
Only after completed, when you decide you want to save or share - that you get a registration form,
They're all about the pleasant engagement /experience..
This “more fun” experience allows people to be drawn in. To be engaged. Get hooked.
Giving people an attractive and compelling experience plays an important role.
pages - are now rich content experiences.
Bill Scott Designing for
100k new blogs everyday.
DIGG hit 1million registered users.
content creation
content aggregators
display surfaces
High quality content experience vs, the low quality. What percentage of stuff is dedicated to overhead of site - or content the user is looking for. ( vs Chicago Tribune) stuff here) (in beta)
what is this thing.
why should i care
how do I use it
Quote from Will Wright:
most user-created content is crappy. But as we create better tools, we'll increase the
value of the output of those tools.
maybe it's about giving users the tools that make it easier to do the right thing.
if you give people the environment for personal expression - then accept it- it's open , they';ll do just that.
treat web packaging the way we treat shelf space/product packaging
optimizing content experiences for that particular use.
Might actually engage folks rather than turn them away
drop him an email to upload slides.
Wednesday Keynote 4-18-07
Opening video
David weiner
Exec VP Yahoo Search Network Marketing
Connect consumers to what they value most and then work with their advertising division.
Different behavior – networked individualism. Individuals are part of the community. Connecting all their assets.
“Google is running circles around you” – we are within our expectations and happy with our performance.
Yahoo is the largest network on the web. The hit half a billion users on the web.
He talked often about “Panama” their new advertising platform they launched in January.
Rich Skrenta – CEO Topix
They didn’t set out to be local. But it was driving most of their growth.
They had advertising but not enough local news…
Go to the blogs? They didn’t pay enough attention to local news,
Could they create local news from the users? Yes. They set up forums for every town in America and let people discuss local news. They often went back and forth on issues. They content is often gossip or political oriented.
High Performance Web pages
More details on their blog site:
The 14 [so far] best practices are as below-
* Rule 1 - Make Fewer HTTP Requests
* Rule 2 - Use a Content Delivery Network
* Rule 3 - Add an Expires Header
* Rule 4 - Gzip Components
* Rule 5 - Put CSS at the Top
* Rule 6 - Move Scripts to the Bottom
* Rule 7 - Avoid CSS Expressions
* Rule 8 - Make JavaScript and CSS External
* Rule 9 - Reduce DNS Lookups
* Rule 10 - Minify JavaScript
* Rule 11 - Avoid Redirects
* Rule 12 - Remove Duplicate Scripts
* Rule 13 - Turn Off ETags
* Rule 14 - Make AJAX Cacheable and Small
More details on Souders site:
They says in the loading of a webpage, ~5% of the time spend for HTML page -which will sum up the CGI processing- and rest of them are for images, css, javascript etc. If you manage to reduce 50% of time for the front end, it will result in 50% of the user response time which will be a great result.
I liked the tool they used to analyze the web page loading time. It is IBM page detailer could be expensive. Not sure if there is any freeware available.
Also was impressed by the Firefox extension yslow which ranks the page and suggests ways for improvement.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
More notes from the Widget session
for Online Marketing and Measurement
Ceo of Widgetbox – widgetizing the web.
Widgets – Why they work for marketing – They are contextual and personal, social, visual and interactive and viral.
The different types of Widget users with examples.
Self Expression – flickr widget
Site enhancement – google maps
Ads and Commerce – (this type kicked off the widget craze) Widgets came about as part of advertising dynamically showing on pages.
Overview strategy for a Widget
Build – Distribute – Promote – Track – Monetize (business value)
How to Launch a widget
- Widget sites and SEO
- Cross Promotion
- Packaging
- Tap the Blogger and Social Network Power Users
- “In the Wild?” and just promoting it to your community.
Is Your Widget Successful?
- Pay Attention to widget metrics
- How many sites and domains
- What about unique users
- Content and context - What kind of page is the widget on?
Look at the services that Widgetbox offers to see if they can help us. Simon spoke with after their presentation.
Go to their site, search a widget that you would like to use, - edit the widget (content and design).
On a site that has one of their widgets - Click on add a widget (on the widget) enter site name that you would like to put it on, choose the section on site you would like it. It asks you for your Login and PW to your site and it ads it there without you having to cut and paste or even be on your site. Next time you go to your site it’s there. They did a few examples and this was very cool.
Birth of the Widgetshpere – is this here to stay? How to launch a strategy
Part of a fundamental change in the web
Other sites – Hi5, friendster, bebo, myspace,
Widget is a STAND ALONE product. Do not use it as a banner ad to drive people somewhere else.
Does your Widget have:
Shelf Life – like Television – “new content” just change the channel
Or flyer – short shelf life – less desirable
Promotion – be specific. Make sure they know you have widgets. Tell them the value, don’t lead with “We have widgets” because people don’t know what they are.
- views
- domains
- standard events
- custom events
- audience reception
- page location
- adoption path
- velocity
Update your widget!!!!
Widget creators
- standards
- metrics
- distribution
- security
- monetization
- portability
Look into clearspring
1 create
2 distribute
3 analyze
4 update
Create your own widget
Thumbs Up I like them.
Data storage at innovators' expense
Amazon is getting in to web and data storage business. For instance websites could be storing images on Amazon services and leverage there storage capabilities same goes for back up storage (Data Storage) this could provide very cheap solution for storing a data that you do not need to get to right the way in case there is an issue or archiving your data is the best.
I believe Microsoft will be getting in to this as well as other large leading companies quite soon. Amazon is starting to do that for physical products which they could full fill for you at any given time but storing this web archives might be very interesting solution.
Smugmug has been using Amazon’s S3 services for Storage and they are claming that they have been saving $500K per year.
Web 2.0 widgets to Mobil devices
What’s great about it is that it’s a first mobile browser that now lets developers to post AJAX’s apps.
What’s great is that now developers could post there own widgets to a there library where users could install on there cell phones.
Build Web widget for sell phones.
WalkAmerica Personal pages
March of Dimes Donation pages
Find Walk Site location
Integrate with GPS to find where you are located and or where is the closest walk site location based on where you are.
Image if we can incorporate WalkAmerica in to mobile applications, and on top of that how cool it would be to utilize GPS from user’s cell phone for Geo Mapping, for instance we could tell walker where you are located at the moment while you are walking during the Walk Event you could just check that on your cell phone.
Also find local walk site locations next to you and you could just register on your cell phone.
Nokia anticipates 4 Billion mobile users by 2010
For more information take a look at
What’s Next for Top innovators
Unfortunately they are so wrap top in selling there new productions that they are not interested providing good and unsets solutions for companies like us.
I think what they are providing and where they want to be is absolutely a right direction, but if it will work for mid or large sized organizations is questionably.
What’s amazing is that most of this companies that Roman and I had a chance to interview are all scaling it out and not scaling up (going horizontal way AND NOT vertical way) which is great.
Another thing that Amazon is proposing is to lease their fulfillment locations same way that they are offering hoisting of the components and web services.
For instance you could ship your products to Amazon where houses and they will full fill it for you with simple web service integration.
Some times I wonder what took them so long to realize that they must get in to this space and start compete with datacenters for small and in some mid size organizations.
In nutshell this will most certainly benefit Microsoft and other large organizations that have huge amount of web farms all over the world and they only utilize them during the high picks, and it will most certainly will benefit companies that are content driven or in some way a simple data driven web applications and not the once that are more complicated that require constant data access and data algorisms based on user behavior.
It could also be great for mid size non profits that host content based sites.
Microsoft Live engineer had mentioned that they have 37,000+ web servers (he was not specific how many database servers) this gives you a good idea that they have a lots and lots of space that they are not utilizing all the time and some how they need to start generating revenue from hard wears that just sit there for high spicks, while they are not been utilized during the low seasons.
Keynote Panel Discussion: Mobile 2.0
mobile looking toward ubiquitous connectivity
open standards
predicatble pricing/ubiquitous
internet is happening aggressively on mobile - but the "old" interenet
McCue continued
restuarant reviews are added by US - by community at large
now they do text messages as well
they can also answer with a map.
very cool.
Download Tellme
(buzzer went - times up)
This is a continuation of the strange man HOWE
and his whole schpeal.
Bridging Mobile to Web via Voice
create an open end aopplication platform - building
voice xml - W3C
directory assistance
anything you want to do on a phone - you can do on this platform
from any phone in world - dial #, say what you want - and get it.
(like google sms)
Phone today - about as powerful as IBM thinkpad in '96
you're walking around with a thinkpad in your pocket now.
voice portal has been a service with speach recognition.
now enhancing with a visual component
Now you can ask for businesses - and get it in a completely automated way and is completely free.
(dial it - check it out!)
really - check this out!
Bald guy at the podium - kinda cute
user enter username
user sees image - instead of passwords - passwords linked to images. Passwords link to Human level cognition . But you need a dongle / smartcard??
They just lost me.
but oh - they can incorporate brand imagery in the image grid. that's interesting.
Share sponsorhip revenue with reliant parties.
So it's a bizarre openid.
secutiry with reveniue stream.
someone will try to get an invitation code at their booth these last two days.
Trying to Post via Moibile
The official party is this evening.
Came out of an interesting lecture - albeit a little bizarre - from this guy (Robert Howe).
Talking about vioce mashups - using Amazon mechanical turks to funnel voice/phone/mobile requests for information to the right people/person for answers.
I immediately think of MOD Ask Us. Rather than just sms'ing a question in - combo it as a voice request - via xml sending response back (is your question related to x, y, z, etc). User states "x'.
Send them or voice back a more specific list related to the answer to their Q.
send sms or email of FAQs while their particular Q is being read and answered.
Then - what if we did something like this for Walk registration??
send SMS to 12345
"I wanna Register"
We respond via sms - where do you want to walk? (zipcode/state/city,state)
User: voice or text
and continue via sms/voice.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
iterative design and dev lecture
I picked up a cd rom - yes, I "bought the book" - sohopefully it might be interesting to some if not all of us?
1st day at San Francisco.
Simon and I arrived at the airport about 1 pm pacific time. The weather was dull but not that bad. The sun came out towards the end of the day to invite us into this beautiful and fascinating city. We took the limo aka taxi to our hotel room which was about 30 minutes away from the airport. The view was not what I expected through the windows of this yellow-greenish cab. It almost seemed like driving on the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn NY. The driver refused to switch into the faster way due to our safety, yet in non traffic areas he was doing 80 – 85 mph.
As we entered the main town, my view of the previous monotonous city changed. Suddenly different unique building emerged in front of us. We were excited to check into our rooms and proceed out to explore this beautiful town. As we entered the crowded streets, our eyes widened and crossed each other as we tried to absorb the beautiful architecture of medium size sky scrapers. Right away we noticed that this town is still being built as new construction buildings with crazy design were popping out everywhere we looked. We didn’t know where to go but we knew that we were really hungry after a 6 hour flight with JetBlue airlines. Apparently JetBlue doesn’t allow food onboard and I thought I was picky about people eating in my car.
We walked around different blocks looking for a place to sit down. Literally we passed the same block at least 3 times and asked about 5 people on where we can enjoy some decent food. There are many places but finding a good sushi place was hard. But an hour later we were rewarded with a nice looking Japanese Sushi Boat place. This place had some boats floating around in water with sushi on them, and you can grab what you like. Pretty interesting idea I guess. The sushi was fresh but you can’t compare to the sushi places back in Brooklyn or Manhattan.
After we ate we decided to visit the coolest thing that we though which San Francisco had to offer… Alcatraz Island. Boy were we wrong. Even though Alcatraz Island sounded fun, the coolest things just began. For one, cable trolleys were a blast. There is nothing like hanging on to a poll going 40 mph with a giant camera bag on your back 1 inch away from other trolleys or parked cars. The cable trolley took us to the fisherman's wharf. Supposedly that is where we needed to go to book a tour of Alcatraz Island. As we rode this remarkably old, old trolley we really had a lesson on old transportation. The trolley operators were nice, friendly and funny people. There was time, when the trolley stopped in the middle of intersection for 5 minutes while the trolley operators switched places. Not one car that was on that intersection honked and patiently waited for the trolley to move. If this was New York city, I can’t imagine what would happen. The second coolest thing was the streets. Im not really a fan of streets but these streets had a 90 degree slopes. You can just smell the burning clutches of the cars trying to climb these monstrous mountain roads.
As we go to the fisherman's wharf, we were breath taken. The view of Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz Island in the same peripheral image was amazing. This boardwalk type of street was like mini Broadway. There were thousands of people moving around, there were hundred of stores and performers on almost every street. It was a photographers dream land/composition. I’m not going to describe further because its 12 am and I’m really tired, plus pictures can tell one gabillion-thousand-million words. To summarize this, Alcatraz Island trips were sold out till Tuesday and we weren’t able to visit the actual jail. *sad* However we had fun walking around and checking out different stores and taking hundred of pictures. I can tell you from the first day experience, I think I can live here. I hope someone else can shed some light on their first day while I start typing up my first day at WEB 2.0 conference.
Hopefully you weren’t bored by this post, and will comment on it and if you were; sorry I can’t give you back those 5 minutes of your life.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Personalized Google Maps
MOD Squad Blog
As you might already know that this blog was created so that we can share and jot down our ideas from the Web 2.0 conference. The great thing about bloging about this conference is that there will be so much information and it will be really hard to remember all of it without writing it down. This blog offers us the ability to post a message on what you've heard an hour ago or 30 minutes ago and let someone else respond to it. This way when we return from the conference, we'll easily be able to refer back to our wonderful experience, and what better way to bring the web 2.0 experience then through this web 2.0 blog.
Some things to note...
+On the right side you'll find Google Talk. You should be able to just sign up and start talking to us live through this tool. Its a little better the AOL IM because you can send messages to users that are not online and they will get it later on.
+On the bottom of Google Talk you'll find RSS feeds from the web 2.0 official blog. Its good to refer to them to see if there is any last minute changes in the conference.
+At the bottom of the RSS feed you'll also find links to Web 2.0 schedule and their official website.
Please post as much as you can, if not every 30 min then every couple of hours or at least at the end of each day.
PS. To posts blogs you should have receive an email invite in your gmail account. Please follow the link there to activate your account. If you have any questions you know who to reach.
Thank you and enjoy the WEB 2.0 Conference.